Friday 21 November 2008

Should Twitter Have 'Groups'?

Dear Reader,

A very good day to you. Hope you are having a good one.

Today as I sit full of flu and feeling quite numb, my thoughts wander to a tweet from a fellow twitterer (who's name eludes me so forgive me) who asked about 'themed twitter streams'. The reason for this was very sensible. This lady sometimes only had a few minutes a day to log on and so wanted to soley focus on the Arts chat rather than any other, although enjoyed making aquaintences with all types of people and professions. It's an interesting query. At times I sit twittering and not really understanding most of what I am reading due to the fact I know nothing about technology or IT and most tweets include some techy language which is not comprehensible for me. But then I love the challenge of learning and have gained loads of knowledge of which I would never have learnt if not mingling in these particualr circles. The same can be said about Art, Design, Recruitment, Marketing, Mobile Phones, iPhones, growing fresh foods, self conservation and the where abouts of Stephen Fry on his journey across America. Would I have learnt about this otherwise, probably not. You might say that you should only follow those of the same interests but I would tend to disagree. Maybe having a 'group' option on Twitter could be beneficial for those such as the lady in question so at a quick glance she can see what is being talked about in her preferred profession. Then we could have an 'all followers' option to be educated by the many talents present on Twitter. Just a thought.

It's amazing what you think about while not feeling well LOL!

Thank you for your time and please do comment if you feel compelled :-)


Monday 17 November 2008

Are Social Sites A Bad Thing?

Dear Reader,

There I was on Sunday morning reading through the paper when I came across an article on a young lady who is addicted to the social site Facebook. At first, while reading, I thought 'what a silly situation, who would get addicted to something so impersonal and almost inhuman?' Then I considered my own behaviour with Social networking sites and had to admit, I was probably slightly addicted myself! When I first ventured into the networking sites it was purely for the purpose of 'getting my company name out there'. Now, during my working day I sit Twittering, Blipping music, catching up with what my Facebook chums have been doing (with an insight to their lives which one would not normally see) and generally googling words or names I am not familiar with. If that is not slightly addicted, I'm not sure what is! The young lady in question did go on to say she adds people without knowing them first, which I think is a bit dangerous to say the least as you never know heh. As for making friends, I do believe I have made several new friends whom I would probably not have made in 'reality' as Social Networking helps me hide sides of my personality which might put some off (I am quite the life and soul LOL!). I love making new connections and am thrilled to make them with Techy, Arty, Earthly, Financial and Sporty people, basically others from all over the world who help fill the gaps in my intelligence which benefits me and my life! Where alse can you attend an art show, an IT conference, a Financial debate and have upto date news from all around the world?

My conclusion to the article and my own thoughts on this subject are very clear. I use it when and where I can but If I can't then I don't. Addiction can be measured in variable levels to which we can all relate to in some degree.

Are you addicted?


Thursday 13 November 2008

So Who Am I?

Dear Reader,

The question posed is an easy one to answer (I think). I am a wife to Brian, mother to Stacey, Alex & Logan, MD of 3 companies, sister to Dean & Dale and daughter to Kerry & Peter. I won't bore you with the younger years as they were not too good most of the time. I have grown to be a vibrant, enthusiastic and happy go lucky individual who always sees the glass half full. Hard times are sent to test us and I think I have taken most of the tests going! The learning I have gained has definately made me who I am today, which isn't so bad.

Sales had always been my forte, communication being my passion. These atrributes have slowly pushed me to strive to be a better person every waking day in my personal life and within my working environment. I started my own business ( when I realised that making money through my sales techniques were under-appreciated by those who employed me. I am sure anyone in Sales understands that statement. I had just given birth to my last child, Logan and felt it was my time to make my mark! Nearly 6 years on the business is thriving and I have now started another 2 companies with other interesting and adventurous business entrepreneurs. I network on various platforms, in person and virtually. This keeps me sane!

That's pretty much it really. Not the most exciting of adventures, but hey, it's only just begun!

Have a wonderful day and thank you for reading my blog.

Shelley x

Friday 7 November 2008

So Why Am I Here?

Dear Reader,

One day, a while ago now @loudmouthman came over to visit me and bought his N95 phone to interview me on Qik which I knew nothing about! I had ventured into the usual platforms for networking such as Ecademy, Ryze, LinedIn, Bebo, MySpace ect but had no knowledge of the extended So.Me world that I was about to be introduced to. Since that day I have been an avid Twitterer and have even ventured into Seesmic and now Twitterfone and SpinVox. Even Flickr and now blogging!! My work days have been transformed from Spider solitaire boredom to an open forum for chat, learning but most of all relationship building with some amazingly wonderful patient people from all over the world! No more solitaire for me! Thank you @loudmouthman!

As for myself, well I started my own business nearly 6 years ago now and have never looked back even though I have only had 3 days off in that whole time. There are always pros and cons to having your own business but I went into it with my eyes wide open. I am also a wife, mother of 3, daughter, sister and in my spare time a friend.

What business did I start, well I think that is for the next time.

For now I would like to extend my gratitude to all my Twitter friends (you know who you are) for making my days go past with such zest.

Shelley x

Was It Really That Easy?

Dear Reader,

I have yearned for such a long time to be able to blog but have not had either the time or the knowledge of where/how/what to do. But here I am at last!!

Now all I have to do is think about what to say! LOL!
