Friday 21 November 2008

Should Twitter Have 'Groups'?

Dear Reader,

A very good day to you. Hope you are having a good one.

Today as I sit full of flu and feeling quite numb, my thoughts wander to a tweet from a fellow twitterer (who's name eludes me so forgive me) who asked about 'themed twitter streams'. The reason for this was very sensible. This lady sometimes only had a few minutes a day to log on and so wanted to soley focus on the Arts chat rather than any other, although enjoyed making aquaintences with all types of people and professions. It's an interesting query. At times I sit twittering and not really understanding most of what I am reading due to the fact I know nothing about technology or IT and most tweets include some techy language which is not comprehensible for me. But then I love the challenge of learning and have gained loads of knowledge of which I would never have learnt if not mingling in these particualr circles. The same can be said about Art, Design, Recruitment, Marketing, Mobile Phones, iPhones, growing fresh foods, self conservation and the where abouts of Stephen Fry on his journey across America. Would I have learnt about this otherwise, probably not. You might say that you should only follow those of the same interests but I would tend to disagree. Maybe having a 'group' option on Twitter could be beneficial for those such as the lady in question so at a quick glance she can see what is being talked about in her preferred profession. Then we could have an 'all followers' option to be educated by the many talents present on Twitter. Just a thought.

It's amazing what you think about while not feeling well LOL!

Thank you for your time and please do comment if you feel compelled :-)



Anonymous said...

Nice thought Shelley. But isn't this catered for by hash tags? I was fascinated by #motrinmoms earlier this week...

Shelleyftr said...


I have tested your point about the #tags and found it very interesting. It works well, if the person had added the tag to their tweet, but with only 140 characters to play with, sometimes this may not be feesible.

What do you think?
